If this makes any sense to anyone and they think that they can help me pick apart the issues here for my essay PLEASE help!
Considering my essay - I decided to deconstruct liveness and mediatization in theatre by placing them in binary opposition. I then wanted to deconstruct this binary to show that (as Auslander does say - in a way I am not always too fond of) there is no (or hardly any) ontological difference left between them! So... do I go about deconstructing and see where my merry little findings take me... or do I change my research question and ask;
"In the face of a decentred notion of liveness, where does this leave theatre? How can we define theatre? What even IS theatre?!?"
More importantly "What has Auslander done to theatre!?"
Am I setting myself a really stupid challenge by trying to define theatre in light of its ontological displacement? Has it already been done and I am wasting my time - does somebody already have the answer for me?

Stick with the first one. Good lord, that one is broad enough!
I'm around today if you want to meet for coffee before work tonight.
Haha - well at least your not telling me that "I don't have enough money" as you did in my dream! haha
I'm sure that you are probably right I've just got myself into such a tiz with it. Yeah it would be cool to meet up I'm at Harriet's today so will give you a ring when I leave before work.
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